October 16, 2024

Colleen Mills, a level 2 teacher for The New England Center for Children’s (NECC) Intensive Treatment Team (ITT) program, has worked at NECC for three years. She was nominated for Staff Spotlight because she “goes above and beyond for all of her students, ensuring they receive compassion, dignity, and respect. She does a great job helping to make sure their IEP goals are met, and she is an amazing case manager. She cultivates rapport with her students by interacting with their interests.” Another colleague shared that “Colleen is an amazing teacher who always keeps her students’ best interests at heart. She strives to create an environment of respect for our students and is a fierce advocate for their needs. Colleen makes such a positive impact when she is on shift and is such a hard worker.”

How long have you worked for NECC?

I have worked at NECC for three years. I started on Ursla Drive, moved to Salem End Road, and now work on ITT Apartment 3.

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of my job is building meaningful connections and relationships with my students.

Why did you choose a career in helping children with autism?

I have been working with students with disabilities since I was 16 years old. I have always had a passion for advocating for students with special needs as well as promoting inclusion. I believe that all individuals should be treated with respect and kindness, regardless of their abilities.


I chose to work at NECC because I was interested in working with students with autism in a residential setting. I enjoy teaching students the life skills that they can use in the real world.

Have you taken advantage of any of the grad programs or teacher training at NECC? If so, how has it affected your teaching style?

Yes! I am currently in my final year of the Simmons University master’s degree program. I have learned so many meaningful educational and applied behavioral skills that help improve my teaching each and every day.

What is something about you that your colleagues might be surprised to learn?

I enjoy going on long walks in my free time!

Who is someone you look up to?

I will always look up to my mom. She has taught me to be patient, understanding, and kind. I would not be the person I am today without her guidance.

What is your life philosophy or motto you like to live by?

I live by the philosophy that learning is a growing process.