July 25, 2023

John Barnard has been a level 2 teacher for The New England Center for Children’s (NECC) Ursla Drive residence for two years. He was nominated by a colleague because he “goes above and beyond for the team. John is always willing to do anything for the students and is loved by the other staff on the team. He is a strong teacher and has developed a great rapport with all of the Ursla students. Everyone’s shift is brighter when John is working!”

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part is getting to see our boys learning and improving on the skills that will stay with them for their entire lives.

Why did you choose a career in helping children with autism?

I majored in psychology in undergrad, but I didn’t have any particular interest in a specific area at the time. I knew that teaching was a popular path for psych majors, and I was open to it. I really didn’t have any intention to go into special education until I was introduced to NECC during a career fair. Thanks to NECC, I ended up entrenched in the field and have enjoyed it since.


After listening to a presentation at a career fair, I made the decision to apply to NECC and see where it went. I was impressed with the reach and resources NECC has available for its staff, and the challenging but rewarding nature of the job sounded great to me. It was also in my field. I applied hoping that NECC was as interesting as I had hoped it would be, and everything has worked out!

Who is someone you look up to?

My parents. Both of them worked hard to get where they are today and watching them motivates me to put in the work to succeed.

What is your life philosophy or motto you like to live by?

I’m always trying to see things from multiple perspectives.