Is there a link between Mercury and Autism in Vaccines?

2024-03-26T19:25:08-04:00September 22nd, 2023|Categories: |

Does Mercury in Vaccines Cause Autism? Thimerosal is a preservative that has been used in some vaccines since the 1930s (CDC, retrieved June 2005). Thimerosal consists of 49% ethylmercury and some have suggested, partly because of the known effects of methylmercury (an environmental contaminant often found in fish) as a toxic substance, that thimerosal delivered in

Why do concerns about mercury in vaccines persist?

2019-08-12T18:02:25-04:00August 12th, 2019|Categories: |

Concerns about the thimerosal-autism link persist for a number of reasons. Methylmercury is unquestionably a toxic substance and there is warranted concern about exposure to many toxins present in the environment. Known links between toxin exposure and disease such as cancer should prompt close scrutiny by our government and the scientific community. On the other

Will there be any resolution?

2024-04-30T17:50:14-04:00August 12th, 2019|Categories: |

Because thimerosal was removed from vaccines several years ago and the prevalence of autism has continued to increase, then thimerosal in vaccines was not a cause of autism. Centers for Disease Control (retrieved November 2011). Mercury and Vaccines (Thimerosal). More Info >> Environmental Protection Agency (retrieved November 2011). What you need to know about

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