May 14, 2024

Cassie Clinton has been a level 2 teacher for The New England Center for Children’s (NECC) School Street residence for two years. She was nominated by a colleague because “the care she has for the students on School Street is unmatched. She consistently goes above and beyond what is expected. She is also always a great resource on shift and does a great job helping new staff.”

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of the job is interacting with the kids and watching them learn the skills they are taught, as well as learning a variety of other skills and picking up new things through watching their peers and teachers!

Why did you choose a career in helping children with autism?

I chose a career in helping children with autism because working through challenges with the kiddos and watching their faces light up when they do something good or get a question right is everything. Each teacher-student relationship you create is the most wholesome feeling you can get. 


I chose NECC because of the abundance of opportunities staff have to learn and grow. I have been taught so much and have been given the chance to learn and try new things within the field that I may have not otherwise known I enjoy doing. NECC has helped me learn so much about not only this field but also about myself and what I want to get more involved in. 

What is something about you that your colleagues might be surprised to learn?

I did gymnastics my whole life, and I used to teach gymnastics to kids with a variety of disabilities as well. 

Who is someone you look up to?

I look up to both of my parents. They have both taught me so many things in life, but most importantly, they taught me how important it is to help others when you can with no expectation of receiving anything in return. They have both always supported me in my endeavors and have helped me find the life I want to live. 

What is your life philosophy or motto you like to live by?

A life motto I like to live by is to “be comfortable with being uncomfortable.”