About Kim Ruscitti

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So far Kim Ruscitti has created 313 blog entries.

NECC’s Onsite Hearing Tests Promote Student Success

2024-12-10T13:17:58-05:00December 1st, 2024|Categories: News from NECC, Annual Report|Tags: , |

For children with autism, completing medical procedures can be an immense challenge. These mandatory hearing screenings have required NECC staff and students to invest in a full-day trip to Boston. Now, students are tested using a less invasive test onsite at NECC Southborough.

NECC Celebrates AAC Awareness Month

2024-10-17T10:14:37-04:00October 17th, 2024|Categories: News from NECC|Tags: , |

This October, NECC is celebrating Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Awareness Month. The NECC community of speech-language pathologists (SLPs), families, and educators are raising awareness about the pivotal role that AAC plays in empowering individuals to communicate and engage with their community.


2024-10-16T15:33:36-04:00October 16th, 2024|Categories: News from NECC|Tags: , |

Colleen Mills, a level 2 teacher for The New England Center for Children’s (NECC) Intensive Treatment Team (ITT) program, has worked at NECC for three years. She was nominated for Staff Spotlight because she “goes above and beyond for all of her students, ensuring they receive compassion, dignity, and respect."

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